Personalised Mortgage Broking Solutions
I’m Jo
Finance advisor, educator, entrepreneur and an unshakable optimist, dedicated to helping you buy and grow your very own property portfolio.
Born & raised a Melbourne girl.
A daughter, sister, wife, aunt and mother of 2 humans & a bear coat Shar Pei named Willow. A die-hard karaoke queen, wanna be dancer and lover of all things yogic!
With a passionate dream, an 18 month old daughter, and a lease on an $8,000 laptop, it was the year 2001 - after a 9 year career at Westpac I took the entrepreneurial plunge and started my own finance broking business.
Today, nearly 20 years on, I am proud to have created a socially conscious finance broking business that together with my amazing team, we have helped thousands of everyday Australians reach their goals of home ownership, renovating & upgrading, and building their very own investment property portfolio.
Passionate about ensuring your foundations are solid, with sound money management skills, risk protection insurance and a loan strategy and structure tailored to your unique needs and objectives, coupled with our customer service promise that includes a proactive annual review, that is my commitment to you.